Thursday, 9 December 2010

My "Seven secret steps to rebuilding and making a success of your life" 3 months coaching course (Face to face or by phone)will put you in control for the rest of your life! To contact me email:
To join the "Rebuild Life Coaching Association"


Most people have their own, sometimes secret dreams and through reluctance to leave their “comfort zone” or because of life commitments like having a family to support they have suppressed their dreams.

All of us seriously underestimate our abilities and potential, consequently without having some external support we give up our dreams.

We have all been given the gift of dreaming.

Some times dreaming helps us to escape reality and create a vision of the future that we want. Every worthwhile goal always starts with a big dream.

However, there is a huge difference between dreaming big and having big goals – dreams are wonderful, but they are only products of our imagination.

Until we take action and turn our dream into a goal it will remain a “beautiful castle in the air”. Goals on the other hand, are achievable because they are always followed by an action.

A life coach can present a new view of our situation, add some encouragement and open our eyes to the many opportunities to chase the dream.

A coach will also seek commitment and action from the client – as dreams and goals without repeated and consistent action are doomed to failure.

"Success is merely the process of fulfilling your own hopes and dreams--not the standards set by society, but by the standards set by you."

George Pataki

Saturday, 27 November 2010

My "Seven secret steps to rebuilding and making a success of your life" 3 months coaching course (Face to face or by phone)will put you in control for the rest of your life! To contact me email: Web

Due to the fact that Banks and credit card companies have been chasing customers and encouraging them to get deeper and deeper in debt, a large number of people find themselves in serious trouble with their finances.
We live in an “instant gratification” culture and that mindset contributes to this situation.
A life coach can guide and encourage their clients towards a more responsible and controlled regime in regards to finances – better budgeting, more responsible purchasing and the possibility of transference of debt to a more favourable account.
The client will no doubt know all this themselves, but until reminded and encouraged by the coach’s questions, will not feel able to discipline themselves as necessary.

The coach must not, under any circumstance give financial advice to a client and must recommend that the client seek the advice of an independent financial adviser – the client to choose their own IFA.

Questions to ask a client who has a financial problem:

1. Do you feel unhappy with your financial position?
2. What can you do to change this?
3. What will it cost?
4. Emotionally?
5. Who will it affect?
6. What goals do you need to set to achieve the outcome you desire?
7. What are the barriers to achieving those goals?
8. What are the ways that you can overcome the barriers?
9. What else?
10. How will you feel when you achieve those goals?

Saturday, 18 September 2010

My "Seven secret steps to rebuilding and making a success of your life" 3 months coaching course (Face to face or by phone)will put you in control for the rest of your life! To contact me email:

How do you deal with setbacks?

How many times have you started a diet, a new way of thinking, or tried something new and then a setback occurs and you just go back to the way you were?

Don’t worry, you are not the only one!

Setbacks and difficulties occur all of the time – they are a natural activity of life.

There are two ways of facing difficulties.

You either change or alter the difficulty or you can alter yourself to be able to deal with it.

Deal with difficulties correctly and it will enhance your confidence, deal with them incorrectly and they can do some serious damage to your self worth.

Your response to issues and difficulties

When you are faced with any setback your ability to deal with it can be turned around into a position of strength by asking yourself positive empowering questions.

There is an unwritten rule that says:

Ask your mind a stupid question and you will get a stupid answer!

So, if after setback you ask yourself something like

“Why does this always happen to me, I never have any luck?”

Your mind will probably come out with:

“Because you are useless and good things do not happen to you!”

Sound familiar?

Instead, if you ask yourself a positive empowering question like:

“What did I learn from this setback for next time?”

Your mind will kick into solution mode and help.

Here are some rules and things to think about when setbacks do occur:

· Acknowledge that it has happened. Don’t hide from it. These things happen. So what?

· What positive empowering questions can you ask yourself?
What is good about this situation?
How can I make the most of this situation?
What can I learn from it?
What are the facts about this problem?
How can we make it a successful outcome?

· Acknowledge that setbacks occur to everyone and you are not being singled out.

· View them as a challenge to overcome rather than an issue or problem

Think about the negative dis-empowering thoughts that you think on a regular basis after a setback.

What new empowering questions could you ask yourself to give some better answers!

Write these down now and make them a habit.

"Nobody will believe in you unless you believe in yourself."

Monday, 15 February 2010

Being gentle with a firm resolution to do what is right!

Have you ever had the experience of catching a little helpless injured bird when you were a child?
Can you recall the drama of trying to hold it in your hands without squeezing too hard and still not letting it escape?
Was there a cat in the neighbourhood that might find it and …. Well you know the rest!
You want to hold on to it and protect it, but you will have to let free eventually. The best you can do is help it until it gets strong enough to fend for itself.

I’m sure you may have seen some of the programs on TV about wild animals on the African plains where injured and frightened creatures are taken and restored to health. I try to imagine how terrifying it is for the animals themselves and how
Vulnerable they must feel.

They will view humans as their enemy and be afraid of them.
After a few days being looked after and nourished they will change their perception of humans and see them in a new light.

The people who are doing this work are all wonderful people with a consuming love for animals and nature – it is hard for them to break the ties that they form with those animals and set them free!

They know that they will have to be strong enough willed to let the animals free because that is nature’s way.

Life coaching is very similar – the coach has to be strong and let the client make their own decisions whilst helping them to strengthen their self belief and confidence.

Confidence is best build on a firm foundation of understanding of your own emotions and your perception of reality.

"Sooner or later, those who win are those who think they can."
Richard Bach

"Nobody will believe in you unless you believe in yourself."

My "Seven secret steps to rebuilding and making a success of your life" 3 months coaching course (Face to face or by phone)will put you in control for the rest of your life! To contact me email: