Tuesday, 22 December 2009

My "Seven secret steps to rebuilding and making a success of your life" 3 months coaching course (Face to face or by phone)will put you in control for the rest of your life! To contact me email: johnmc.7@live.co.uk

Positive Thinking from a Coaches Viewpoint
Positive people don’t think about how they are viewed by others – they don’t care if by cooperating and doing what others request they seem weak – if they are enhancing their future and achieving a goal, they are being positive!
Do you look at every action you take as having a good outcome/result.
If you feel or visualise that you may fail – you will fail – you have programmed yourself to fail.
On the other hand if you see yourself as a winner and succeeding all the time – you will succeed.
It’s very simple, you have to be positive in your thoughts and attitude.
Be aware that we are all mirrors and reflect back to others what they display to us and vice versa.

If someone approaches you with an aggressive (negative) attitude you are most likely to respond with the same attitude. So whatever you do or say to others will be reflected back to you so therefore you are accountable for the reactions of the people you interact with every day.

When you meet people in a positive and friendly manner and develop a habit of always being willing to help others you will find the world is a lovely place with friends everywhere.
Make friends – not enemies – remember you will get nothing from an enemy only trouble, but a friend is invaluable and should always be cherished.

Positive people have Self Belief, Persistence, Tenacity, Stamina, and Humanity. All five attributes are essential and complement each other.

Self belief will enable you to be persistent and tenacious, as without self belief you would give up when things are going wrong and instead of looking for a solution to the problem you would give up and accept failure.
When you are persistent and tenacious you will find that each setback you encounter you will find a lesson in the outcome and try another approach to the problem.
With self belief comes an inbuilt reserve of stamina.

All this positive thinking will only make you into an unlovable human machine if you haven’t got humanity.
Humanity is what distinguishes us from other species on this planet, making us loving and considerate, therefore enabling us to have a conscience on what we do to each other.
Hitler was a positive thinker but he didn’t have any humanity!

Bill Gates is a positive thinker and he has humanity (Whether you like him or not he does give a vast amount to charity)
The Dalai Lama and the Pope are positive thinkers and all winners in life think positively.

Positive thinkers don’t indulge in self pity or whinge when everything is going against them –they look for a different prospective on the problem and persist until they find a solution to their problem.
"Obstacles can't stop you. Problems can't stop you. Most of all, other people can't stop you. Only you can stop you."
Jeffrey Gitomer

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